Anna Bloda is one of the most fearless, sexy, talented, badass babes we know. Her photography is raw and energetic and is the type of work that pumps through the veins of NYC. Capturing everything from fashion to kids on the street she is constantly at the forefront of the underground, her images and lifestyle are documenting the “now” of today.

She’s a movie star, she’s a muse, and she’s Anna Bloda. A mistress to the heartstrings, Anna has been a lightning force in inspiration and sheer admiration. She makes a big impact on everyone she meets in a way that makes her irresistible to anything her encounters. We love you, Anna!

In Bloda‘s Choice, today is THE ANNA BLODA a beautiful force of art.

What is your ethos on life?

My current ethos is to travel, discover more beauty in life, and establish BLODA’S CHOICE business. But also I want to create art again. Thinking about designing clothes or rather transforming vintage pieces and painting bananas. I have all these ideas calling to get out of my head.

What does turning 50 mean to you? 

50 seems symbolic and strong. It hits like a call, pouring a cold bucket on my head. It comes to questions of who I am and what did I approach on this earth so far, but it also brings the realization that I am that bitch. Im independent, I’m free, I’m powerful.

I am a new kind of woman who goes against social expectations for the traditional approach to life. I’m focusing on myself, health, healing, and joy.

It’s funny how, in the 50s, perception of life switches along to hormonal changes. Lack of estrogen opens a third eye to things. As sexual arousal stops playing an important role, you see things through a different lens, and the system of values suddenly changes.

What is a day in the life like for you? 

Every day is a miracle. Sometimes, I wake up with no mood and gotta remind myself to cherish the fact  I woke up. I love switching routines. I used to go to Variety Coffee in Bushwick every morning; now, I stay longer at home and brew green tea. I play with the routine a lot to keep my life fresh and in restarting mood.  Also, I cannot imagine a day without 147 hertz frequency after I wake up and nourishing food.

What makes you excited?

Money makes me super excited as it lets me make life moves. But Nothing can compare to the excitement of a good vintage find or freshly developed film.

Who do you have a crush on?

I will never stop to have a crush on one skater boy, who became a man. I love skaters generally, as I love all these dope tricks they do in the air, and skate culture is so inspiring. Slowly though, I’m growing up into men on my level, mature and established.

When is your photo book coming out?

I am working on my book right now and will announce its coming out time soon.

Who is the last person you called?

This is a thing; Im not phone person.I like managing my problems myself. I think America taught me this: If you can count, count on yourself. Sometimes, tho I call my old friend, who is Filipino-American, and I have known him for more than 13 years. I am so grateful for his presence in my life and for always picking up my calls.

What is in your bag?

In my bag, you can always find lip liner as lips are my obsession.

What’s your alter ego?

My alter ego is Madonna. I love her so much. I grew up on her. She was always my muse.

Where do u go?

I go ahead.

What is love?

Love is a big force that dissolves darkness. It’s the beginning and the end. It’s the power we gotta learn to wake up to.

What fashion means to you?

Expressing myself is everything to me. Fashion speaks louder than 1000 words.

What are you dreaming about?

  To chill on Bali, dipping my body in the waterfall. Heal traumas and become the new me. Every day is a new beginning.



 Photos / Charles Vary