if they could see her They would notice that her skin is pink even when she’s sad that she ate with her eyes more than her hands That she liked …
if they could see her They would notice that her skin is pink even when she’s sad that she ate with her eyes more than her hands That she liked …
photos / Alex Franco poem / Greta Bellamacina Canto-circle cursing-cure rose-date heart-cup Gate-pine twine-tree mine-we. Ale-raisin ruby-small ice-coo yoke-fire half-laugh Petal-skin charged-net sky-set. Sweet-salt melon-soot joy-door awe-moor. …
photos / Alex Franco poem / Greta Bellamacina I counsel the hours as I imagine you to do, tis love-groves going clockwise from London bridge, in June-bells. Humane…