Winn Winn Is Dreamy California Couple Syd And Adam Winn From Popular Rock Outfit Swimm. The duo’s rendition of Peter Bjorn and John’s single “Young Folks” is a sexy vibe of sonic overlays that both Adam and Syd harmonize perfectly in. In the most familiar affair, Syd and Adam take turns interviewing each other and their baby about the song and their life as a beautiful family.
Syd- What was your main inspiration for the dark electro-pop sound for the Young Folks cover?
Adam – The movie Drive was my main inspiration, I always wanted to make a song that sounds like it belongs on that soundtrack.
Syd- What is one of your favorite music duos in history?
Adam – How about top 3? OutKast, Steely Dan and Daft Punk. Also, “The Sound of Silence” alone puts Simon & Garfunkel in the running.
Adam- Why did you want to cover young folks?
Syd- Young Folks has always been one of my favorite songs. I love the whistling throughout and the back and forth female and male vocals. For some reason, I’ve always felt like the song had an eerie vibe to it even though it really is a sweet love song. I thought our sound would be perfect for it and was hoping it would feel like an anthem to all the people who like a little more edge on their pop songs.

Adam- What would be your ideal activity to do while listening to our song?
Syd- A massive outdoor roller skating party with all our friends and family on a full moon night.
Adam- Will Jasper be featured in any more songs? Once Jasper starts writing songs will you change the name to Winn Winn Winn or will you guys just kick me out?
Syd- Yes there are a couple of songs in the works with Jasper’s vocals on them. We record at home a lot so sometimes there’s no way of not having him somewhere in the background… but honestly, it usually sounds amazing. When Jasper gets more involved we can take a vote on changing the name to Winn Winn Winn but we have to get permission from DJ Khaled first. No one is getting kicked out of the family band.
Adam- What do you want to be when you grow up?
Jasper- A caterpillar!
Syd- What’s your favorite song right now?
Jasper- Lucy in the Sky …With Diamonds.