On The Street: What is the most expensive piece of clothing you have purchased for the summer? Also, if you could see any band perform in the park this year, dead or alive, who would it be?

Tenn What is the most expensive piece of clothing you have purchased for the summer? A $15 dollar jacket. If you could see any band perform in the park this…

Continue ReadingOn The Street: What is the most expensive piece of clothing you have purchased for the summer? Also, if you could see any band perform in the park this year, dead or alive, who would it be?

On The Street: What is your favorite song right now? Also, what do you think about the Arnold Schwarzenegger scandal?

Alexandria What are you listening to? East @ The 7-11 by Gena Rowlands What do you think of the Arnold Schwarzenegger scandal? I'm glad he never ran on family values.…

Continue ReadingOn The Street: What is your favorite song right now? Also, what do you think about the Arnold Schwarzenegger scandal?