Photos + Story / Kim Brown
Often times our generation tends to get caught up in all things digital. We glue ourselves to screens i.e. cellphones, tablet pc’s, laptops etc. and forget that our friends don’t only exist on facebook. About six months ago, Margaux Joffe and Mustafa Masales decided that it was about time to insert a human element into the everyday 9-5 grind and created Make and Love.
Make and Love is for those who have the constant need to create, but have no creative outlet. It is a series of mixtapes, artist spotlights, videos, and a handmade jewelry collection aimed at alleviating that feeling of isolation many of us may have.
The official launch party was last week Saturday at a gorgeous Harlem loft. The proceeds from the $15 door fee went to Washington Heights charity “Helping Kids in the Heights”, which aims to promote wellness and tackle childhood obesity. Having worked in pubic health in Boston, this charity is close to Joffe’s heart. While there, I snagged an awesome beaded bracelet and a mixtape that includes tracks from Frank Ocean, Alicia Keys, and Jesse Boykins III.
Stay tuned for more information about the next event. In the meantime, spread the love.