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ZEKIEL makes the kind of music that lends to sun infused days with friends. A hint of nostalgia and a healthy dash of hip-hop, mixed with the bright looking aheads of a young artist with stories to share with the world.

The musician, one of six, comes from a family of mixed music tastes and became a coniesuer of song from a young age. He says, “My siblings gave me my first introduction to music, and my older brother, he would either be blasting Hilltop Hoods and Bliss and Eso, or my sister would be listening to Outkast or Usher or Ludacris, something like something like old-school R&B, hip hop sort of vibe.”

 ZEKIEL is a natural writer, keeping a journal of his musings, and for nerdy fun writing fan fiction for Lord of the Rings. His talent and mastery for lyrics and steady flow shine through in the track premiering today.

‘Writing Away’ is a heartstring pulled anthem that stems from the old foe love and loss. In his case a three year relationship that was a never ending tale.

“Basically, I was in this relationship that I was in for quite a while, and we really cared about each other, and we had this loving connection, but it was super hard to see eye-to-eye when our lives went in different directions,” he says. “Nothing meshed, and we lost the magic, I suppose, the spark that was there.”

If the artists biggest coping mechanism is to write music…then we wish him a world of happiness… but after his debut.