SWIMM’s music is an obscured earworm of a time. Before you know it you are humming tunes along with your daily tasks, a soundtrack to your life you didn’t even realize you needed.  They have a plethora of sound that takes inspiration from multiple genres while created a sort of rolling, swirling sweaty, dance around your head and body.  It’s as confusing and beautiful as it is intricate.
Their video for “Window’s Up” is much like their sound taking you on a sonically induced mental ride. Directed by Mitch Dequilettes he wanted the video to portray a collective emotion of a modern-day hysteria through movement and lighting as he conveyed through lead singer Chris battling with visions out of his control, provoking feelings of confusion and helplessness. It’s a beautiful fete and well acted by the band.
Swimm says, “Window’s Up” started with the words.  It was a long-form piece that didn’t have music but almost wholly encapsulated the internal strife and love I’d experienced in the first few years of living in LA.  From the culture shock that informed so much to the love that gets distorted in ways very particular to Hollywood, the irony of the song is that music was both the impetus for and the saving grace in our relocation to LA.”
Follow Swimm for tour dates and new releases.