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Gabrielle Marlena might have created one of the greatest breakup albums of all time. Her debut out this summer, Good Music For You, is a femme-fatale journey of firsts- love, heartbreak, and the excruciating pain that sometimes comes with growth of self and moving on. Gabrielle’s voice is piercingly raw, fluttering over her guitar strings taking the listener through the ins and outs of finding yourself through someone else.

“‘Second Guess’ was written in the aftermath of a breakup, when I was constantly going over everything that had happened in my head, questioning whether I had just lost the love of my life, or if it was merely meant to be a learning experience,” Gabrielle says of the soaring introspective track.
She goes on to say, “Advice I have to people second-guessing themselves and their partners: leave it alone! What’s done is done, you can’t change things, or pretend that they happened a different way or that your partner will come around or that you’re looking at it all wrong. Just get to the next thing! ”
Wise words for all of us.

photos / Savannah Jankosky