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Captain Kidd and La Poré come together to bring us a party anthem that has us missing all those messy nights at the club sweating too much from dancing. So thanks for that. Instead we’ll listen to it in our rooms and in the shower. The song is called “Over it” because even though the song is a moody high energy bounce of a song it is about the toxic emptiness that comes from the party lifestyle and they’re so over it. The collaboration brings all the blazing synths, 80’s nostalgia and catchy lyrics one could need to make you dance and cry.

We got to talk to Captain Kidd and Nick Samson, professionally known as La Poré and their former drummer, about the dream place to perform, living in Columbus Ohio and writing the song.

What’s it like being a musician living in Columbus Ohio? I’ve never been to Ohio, how is it?

Nathan: Honestly, Columbus is a great place to be right now as a musician. What it lacks in musical infrastructure compared to larger cities like NYC or LA, it more than makes up for with a vibrant arts scene and cheap-ish rent. People are really awesome about supporting local art here, and music is no exception. Plus, the local pop scene is super tight-knit, so we’ve made a bunch of buddies just playing shows and collaborating on music.

Ohio as a whole is…fine haha. Definitely better than the bad wrap it sometimes gets. The people are friendly as hell, and the 3 big cities are all unique and fun in their own way. I’m kinda partial to Cleveland as a whole since I grew up there, but Columbus is definitely the better city for our genre of music.

How did you come up with this song “Over It”? What was it like collaborating with your former drummer?

Kyle: “Over It” came together very quickly. The song started with the opening chords, and then I just built the rest of the arrangement around those chords.

Nick (La Poré) was actually still in Captain Kidd at the time and I wasn’t in the band yet. I had this producer project called Mal Compris that the song was originally intended for, I just needed someone to sing on it. I had started co-writing and producing songs for La Poré, so I asked Nick if he would sing on the track. Nick helped me write the lyrics and melodies and from there it was a song.

Fast forward a couple years, I had brought up to Nate that I wanted to re-release the song, and we decided to have Nate re-record some of the vocals and turn it a Captain Kidd & La Poré song.

What’s been keeping you inspired during quarantine?

Kyle: I’ve been really using this time to do things that I’ve always said I was going to do but never gotten around to doing. Taking care of myself physically/mentally has been a big one. I’ve started being a little more active, started meditating frequently, and eating healthier – which has helped big time with focusing when it comes to making music.

I’ve noticed a huge shift with the outside world as well. It seems like a lot of people are coming together and stepping out of their comfort zone to fight and create a better world which is obviously a beautiful thing.

What did you want to be when you grew up? And what would you say to that kid now?

Kyle: All I cared about was music and skateboarding, so I either wanted to be a musician or a pro skateboarder. I think the biggest thing I would say to my younger self is to take your time. I was always in a rush to grow up.

What album can you listen to on repeat for the rest of your life?

Nathan: It’s impossible to pick just one…for me, it’s either Blonde by Frank Ocean or Rumours by Fleetwood Mac.

Dream place to perform?

Nathan: Coachella. Kyle and I joke about it all the time – if one of us messes up a take while recording we’ll be like “no guest pass for you”. I’ve personally never been (though I had a ticket for this year prior to it getting cancelled), but Kyle’s been a couple of times as a tour hand and always raves about it.

Beyond that, it would be incredible to play some shows out of the country. We hear regularly from a couple fans in Italy and Germany, so it would be crazy to play there and meet them in-person.





photos / Ross Theisen (Captain Kidd) & Weslee Kate (La Poré)

story / Vogue Giambri