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The last time we checked on Gerle, she was focused on ‘Terminal’, a song with an enormous capacity to release emotions through the admittance of vulnerability and melancholy. As one may expect, that made us reconnect with hard memories and the emotions that they bring. Now, Gerle, the California-based indie-pop artist, is releasing “Secret”, a song that in her own words “(…) is about looking back and forward at the same time, and reminiscing on the good times and the bad”.


‘Secret’ plays with the idea of admitting that a relationship may be over, or may have ended up somewhere it wasn’t supposed to, because “the biggest secrets we keep are from ourselves because we don’t want to see reality, and what’s right in front of our faces”, as Gerle herself puts it.


In musical terms, at some point you can get to thinking that the song never “takes off”, however, that’s part of the magic. The fact she can build a deep narrative, which is able to make people feel something genuine without too much fuss, riding the perpetual wave of a deceivingly calm tension, a  “before the storm” type of energy if you will.


In this case, just her vocal performance and the precise accompaniment of a couple of instruments make the song feel real and emotional. Maybe something to think about, in the middle of a lot of overloaded music.


“I feel like I’m stuck between heaven and hell/ I’ve got a secret I can’t wait to tell/ But no one is listening no one is listening”… she echoes in the song’s chorus lines, with which almost everybody can connect because it’s a place where many of us have been at some point in the life.


Her melodic quality is unique and effervescent all on its own. She is unapologetic, vulnerable, and unafraid to be herself. As an artist and a human being, Gerle describes herself as changeable, evolutionary, and a perfectionist, and she’s certainly not shy about admitting the role that pain plays in that ongoing process.


‘Secret’ shows a raw agony, and it’s sad subtle melody is another cathartic and impassioned track added to Gerle’s growing discography.


Story: Mariana González Photos: Courtesy of the artist