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It’s difficult to accurately describe the music of Stockholm-based producer and artist AMKosman. Electronic seems too broad, and conceptual seems too stuffy. It certainly retains an indie spirit, but it’s also quite pop in an elastic sense. Alternative just doesn’t seem to cut it, in the same way that the term would do a disservice to the multi-layered audio-visual works of Bjork. Thus, perhaps it’s best left described as simply indescribable — in the best of ways, of course.
Premiering exclusively on LADYGUNN today, the video for AMKosman’s “No One Notice” is equal parts fashion and music. A sonically charged digital look-book, the video — which features GIFs of the artist superimposed against a lush, sweeping background of forests and blue skies — serves as both a love letter to the textile works of Hanna Westerling, whose clothing is worn by the singer, as well as to the track itself, a twitchy, emotive slice of pop-electronica.
Bewitchingly, both the video and the song draw you in, only to leave you suspended in a soundscape of glitching post-rave beats and the crashing waves of the songwriter’s intimate, gossamer vocals as they cocoon you into oblivion. Watch below:

We chatted with AMKosman ahead of the release to learn a little more about her and her mysterious music:
How did the collaboration between Hanna Westerling come about?
I had been craving for interdisciplinary collaborations for a long time and with my new project I have full control of all such things. Finally it was Hanna who asked me if I wanted to perform in her garments at a exhibition she and a few others had arranged. Hanna and I have been friends for a long time so it was all meant to be. I made a song based upon her thoughts and concept with her collection. We then continued the project by making a video together for the song and including the garments.
Can you tell me about the Upfront Producer Network and how it empowers women in music?
In Upfront Producer Network, 20 female members meet every other month and talk, do workshops, listen to each other’s music and hang. For me it’s a place where I can be totally safe with my art and share. We also meet up with record labels and other music bizniz places to talk. It’s a necessary context for me and the members are some of the dopest people I’ve ever met.
There’s a sense of isolation to “No One Notice.” Can you talk a little about the lyrics and the story you’re telling?
I wrote the lyric to this song as a attempt to write a short biographical text to send to a few record labels when I finished my first EP early last year. Some of the parts are taken away but the essence remains. I wrote it struggling with the productivity needed to produce, but referring to my former reflection on my self as a musician, as in not being and therefore fake. The lyric is very intimate; that’s where I know I can give something back.
What are some things that you find inspiration from?
In sound and lyric I have the best Planningtorock to thank a lot for. They have inspired me so much. Fever Ray has also played a big part the past few years, as well as Radiohead. The more recent and new inspiration sound wise have been Sevdaliza. When talking about my art apart from the music I have a harder time distinguishing where the inspiration comes from. I would say Instagram and my friends.
