NYFW: Vena Cava Fall 2011

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I loved the makeup in this show. It was so 90’s, I don’t-give-a-fuck pretty. The smeared factor made me daydream of a more glamorous 90’s and think of the older cooler girl who who went on tours with hot boys who played heavy rock and had dangerous vices. Your very first ‘it’ girl with her amazing Levi’s and amazing record collection. The Vena Cava show totally portrayed that girl, well, it was a more refined version of that girl.

There was a zine called ‘Zina Cava in the goody bags. Brillz!

The good ‘ol days.


Super Epic.

Rex Manning!

Empire Records (Music Video) – ‘Rex Manning’ “Say No More, Mon Amour” from Jordan Dawes on Vimeo.