Two servings of stripes with a side of dots

She definitely didn’t phone it in on the runway
waiting in style
Marika, @br00klynbetty
Aysha, founder of Muslim models matter / @modelayshamirza
Maximus, photographer @ovomaximus
Aly, model / @_alyndiaye
Eva Niang, model and Influencer / @funeebe
Sean Wonder, Security guard
Jovel Ramis / @itsjovel
Rocehelle owner of Best Apparel / @bittersweetdream
Ashley Stuart, model @ashleystuart
Amber McDonald, photographer @amberanywhere and Adam with the Devil horns – hair by Sassoon
Aaron Christopher, stylist @modern.boy.vintage
Maxwell, model – just walked in the Libertine show
Darius, model
Jan Arnold @janarnoldcnd, Co-Founder & Style Director of CND nail artist who did the nails for the Libertine show
Johnson Hartig, Co-founder Libertine and is the current CEO and Creative Director of Libertine
B. Åkerlund @bcompleted Styled the Libertine show, Creative Director for PR showroom The Residency Experience
Monica Brown / @monicabrown, CEO of MonDeeniseMusic Founder of @thebehumanfoundation
Rushita Sidhiwala / @russhyy
Khushboo Siddhiwala, actor, model, influencer
Dakoka (printed pants) and Jean (printed hoodie) models that just walked in Libertine SS20
Julie Furman, model / @furmanjulie
Maisie, a model who just walked in the Libertine SS20 show / @maisinadaze
Breckenridge / @thefashiongay
photos / Jena Cumbo