Model Fridays! Lily WalkER!

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Lily Walker @ ReQuest

pictures / Jen Senn

stylist / Josie Cabrera

interview / Koko Ntuen

where are you from?
Haymarket, virginia

how long have you been in ny?
8 years

what are your parents like?

My father is a used car salesman in Virginia. He is definitely a character. My mother works in technology in New York. She is much more straight-laced.

what other jobs do you do?
I work as a hostess at the Standard Grill, five nights a week.

what was a crazy experience for you last week?
I think every week at work is crazy, it challenges me to be “on” at all times.

who is the last person you made out with?

I plead the fifth!

do you play any instruments?
Unfortunately no. I wish I played the piano.

who is your favorite model?

Jac Jagaciak
name your favorite outfit?
Black denim, cutoff T shirt, and combat boots. I dress like a 12 year old boy, I’m working on it.
what is the last thing you bought?
Eggs and bacon after work last night
when is the last time you got drunk?
I’m a lightweight…at the Request women’s board dinner a few weeks ago

where do you get your news?

I like NY Magazine, the Washington Post, and of course the onion for fun. But I watch BBC every night.
ask us a question!
Why do you drive on the parkway and park on the driveway??