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Photos / Courtney Charles @mrcourtneycharles

90s Heartthrob Ken @alex.grant22

Alien Barbie @victorianyc

Astronaut Barbie @jessejameskeitel

Barbie and Ken Across the Bar @erikandreaa x @jewmaicanmecrazy

Booty Bump Barbie @ashleyryantv x @brentbodybrush


Chromatica Barbie @kattoflaherty

Coachella Barbie @savkstevens

Cold Barbie @embattz

Daddy Ken @thegarrettswann

Day to Night Barbie @colinnyrva

Disco Nap Barbie @iamjarijones

Fisting Ken @robertjkeir

Gen Z Barbie @monicasheagiordano

Naked Ken @coopergarycooper

Protester Barbie @momokitty8604

Rock Star Barbie @themilajam

Romance Novelist Barbie @blairespicer

Ski Bunny Barbie @taylorlaffey

Wizard Barbie @devcoyb

Y2K Barbie @victoriapousadakreindler